Uplifting Lives Through Online Education and Peer Coaching

Empowering migrant domestic workers and underprivileged communities by helping them break the cycle of poverty through online education and community support.

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About Uplifters

Global Reach with students in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Middle East
Community members(1)
0 +
Enrolled in our core programme ‘Dare to Dream’ since 2018
0 +
said it made a "BIG" difference in their lives
0 %

(1) Online Facebook community ‘Uplift Your Life’
(2) 213 respondents, enrolled in our ‘Dare to Dream’ online course in 2023

Our programmes

Our core services combine technology with human interaction to enable personal growth. We offer online empowerment courses as well as skill-based training. Our courses are created by experts and follow online teaching best practices with a ‘behaviour-change’ design approach. All of our courses are accessible to anyone with a simple smartphone.

What makes us different

Read more about us and our unique approach to underprivileged communities’ education and empowerment.

Leveraging Technology: fully online and accessible

Self-paced with asynchronous interactions. Participants can connect from their mobile phones when they are free. Easy to use through social media our participants use on a daily basis (Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp etc.). Accessible without WiFi. No high bandwidth required.

By the community for the community

We believe that people often know themselves the best regarding what they need and tend to care more about the things they’re able to contribute to. Our community-led model involves participants from programme design to delivery.


Our programmes are all online with our courses being delivered by alumni volunteering their time to support new students. Participants learn from and motivate one another, fostering long-term learning and behaviour change. Peer support is making our programmes both scalable and impactful.

Applying Behavioural Science

The design and content of our programmes are based on behavioural science. We ensure students apply what they learn by increasing their ‘capacity for change’, i.e., by enhancing their abilities, sustaining their motivation, and providing a supportive environment. Our video stories, self-coaching activities, and group activities are designed to prompt our students into action and make a lasting impact on them. Peer coaching ensures that our students stay motivated despite the setbacks they may face. Our alumni inspire their fellow domestic workers to make change happen in their lives, too, as it seems attainable.

Our students Are making their dreams come true

Our students all have something in common: their passion to make change happen in their lives.

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