10 best practices to make your dreams come true

Who are the people who make their dreams come true? Are they more determined or intelligent? Do they have more luck? Or do they just have better techniques? Cognitive & behavioural psychologists found the best practices to help people achieve their objectives.

  1. Instead of thinking of your fears and all that may go wrong, think of all you will miss and regret if you don’t try.
  2. Have a plan and set SMART objectives.
  3. Start small and if it’s still too hard, try even smaller but don’t give up. Starting small is also the way we learn naturally, look at babies: crawling then walking then running then jumping! If you start too big, you may put yourself in great difficulty and danger.  For example, before putting all your savings in a business, make sure to learn about business management first and start with a small venture.
  4. Start NOW, don’t wait for tomorrow. If you start, it will make it easier for you to keep going.
  5. Do something every day for your dream. Make it a habit so you don’t have to make an effort to think about it.
  6. If you fail one day, don’t take it as an excuse to give up. Start again.
  7. Cut your objective in small ones and give you rewards for each one that you achieve like a small inexpensive symbolic gift or food that you enjoy.
  8. Book regular appointments with yourself (every week and every month) to check your progress and adjust your objectives if they are too easy or too hard.
  9. Ask for your friends’ support. Tell them about your objectives and ask them to ask you questions about your progress regularly. Their nice pressure will help you.
  10. Have special tricks for difficult days like a playlist of your Power Songs that give you energy.

And read this short story about Mona and her dream!
